…and it’s too bad because the things I’m going to say cost years of my life to learn.


Sc roll down to read more…


Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week TEAM!  This week we have had four people sign in to know more. From that we had three people request the link to sign up! GOOD WORK promoting!  This week I had something important I wanted to share with you:

The Skill Set Required to Make Consistent income Online”


Check it out after you find your hit counts below the article. 🙂 




What it really took! 

So you know I’m going to share something with you today that no one ever shared with me when I first got started trying to make income online in 2012.

At that time I had just lost my job as a kindergarten teacher because my school lost funding. I had three summer months paid left to try and replace my income.


I took all my investment money and spent It on trying to build an online business. I tried opportunity after opportunity and often worked ten hours days or longer. But by the end of the summer I had officially failed.


30 Minute List Building Challenge


Sure I had made a few hundred dollars but I had not figured out how to make consistent income online. So I got a new job but never really gave up. In fact as the years went by I kept pursuing my dream harder and harder.

I joined 40 different opportunities in the process and spent thousands of dollars. I met mentor after mentor and did everything they said but eventually realized they were just stringing me along.

Eventually I got really fed up with spinning my wheels and I came across a quote by Jim Rohn. It said: “Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune’

That quote propelled me in a new direction.

Instead of joining new opportunities and trying to find the answers in that, I just began looking for the answers by reading and through leaning online. I got serious and began studying marketing – “eating up” everything I could about advertising and business.

Eventually in the pursuit of knowledge I came across a mentor and seven figure online income earner by the name of Alan Cosens. I could tell from the beginning that he was the real deal. Not only that but he was open to talking. I was stunned! So began my conversations with Alan and I began seeing the actual process that he was using.

I realized at that point that I was way behind. I had been taking short cuts everywhere.

The odd thing is that most internet business encourage you to take the shortcuts. But looking back that was only because they were interested in making everything look easy and making another sale off of you.

 In the end I realized there was an actual skill involved here and a basic foundation of sales that was based on sales from way before internet days.

The internet only made things a little easier after you tweaked it a little. But all my problems were because I was disregarding these basic points

. I’m not going to go into all these points right now but I will point out a couple for you.


One is that real work is required in giving real content of value to people.’

All the programs I had got involved with tried to steer you away from getting involved with your product personally. It all was geared towards automation and making everything “super easy to do.” Hear me out – those are good things but it NEVER replaces your passion about a product and your work to bring value to others.

When people see this, they know that their is something real and valuable there. They make a connection with you and subconsciously YOU become what they are BUYING. The actual product or service is just the icing.

No. 2:

And the other tip is real communication has to happen. Internet “automation” is only a plus but it definitely is NOT a replacement!

Ok so to sum up, once I started to make adjustments for these things I started making consistent income online.

I hope this helps you.

One BIG question you may have as you do GDI Team Elite: 

How does this effect me?

Well, to be truthful, there are basic steps you will need to be doing to start implementing all of this:

  1. Create your website with GDI. This is REALLY important! Why? Because you are going to need to give real weekly advice and content to your team once you become a team leader. It’s ok if you’re not an expert. Begin by sharing what you are learning! That will be a great start. And start getting ready now. Take baby steps and start preparing.
  2. Being a team leader will mean people responding to all the advertising we are doing as a team. You will be connecting with them in real life – even if most of the time it is by email. Still how you respond is really important. Just being you and being real is the first step. Letting your personality come through in any and every way you can will really help.
  3. Start getting better at making videos and uploading them to YouTube.This sounds intimidating but take BABY STEPS. How else are they going to get to know you in this digital age? Make dead sure you don’t forget this! If you’re scared of doing a face shot video, just know two things: First – so was I. Second – there are ways to make video’s with voice only, so don’t despair! Eventually you will be adding your emails to the GDI Team emails once they reach the end of there cycle. You will want to share yourself in video form with potential new team members!
  4. Don’t forget to get your 1000 hits a week. This advertising is crucial for team success so make this your priority 🙂

If you are interested in seeing the real process and skills needed, you can follow me and Alan Cosens into the Power Leads System (PLS) and specifically into PLS Masterminds. By taking the free seven day tour of PLS you can join PLS Masterminds with Alan Cosens and walk through his actual system of “phases”. But beware. PLS does cost after a week trial and even though it is SO worth the money to get it, I don’t want you to lose focus on GDI Team Elite. If you have extra time and are having no problem getting your 1000 hits a week, then go for it. Otherwise, just relax and concentrate on the steps I told you above. And yes, when you are a team leader with GDI team Elite, you will be able to use PLS to create capture pages for your team.

Ok, so once you go though it you will start realizing my mentors process.

It will obviously not teach you everything but it is the foundation. This is where it all started for me and where I started realizing what was happening.

Many other principles he teaches for free on his website and others through his other businesses. You can take a free tour here of PLS:

click here



Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

7 -29-18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from July 23  – July 29th  for all those who are generating hits. All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday morning Pacific time.


GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 932

knightsgdi – 20

odlewis111 – 520

shane73- 612

rjas19 – 9

gdiwinteam – 2

recpark  – 0

maxwell – 0


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Email Marketing

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.

A Little About “Joy”!

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

Hope you’re all well and in good spirits! This week we have had 5 people interested and sign in to know more. From that we had three people request the link to sign up! This week I wanted to share what I’m doing on my GDI blog to share what I love and make income doing it!  Check it out after you find your hit counts below the article. 🙂 



Your hit counts are below this brief message. 



Some thoughts on “Joy!”


How you can make extra income “Sharing what you love” on your GDI Blog or website! 


Joyfull day!
You know I was walking this evening through the park and the sun was going down. The green expanse of grass, trees and orange sky looked just beautiful. It gave me a sense of joy. 
A little while back I saw a post on Facebook about joy and noticed that joy was a little different than happiness. It seems happiness is more of a longer term feeling and joy is more a sudden feeling or random emotion.
Looking the definition up online I got some cool words: exhilaration, elation, glee, jubilation etc…the words themselves make me feel happy! Haha!

The Facebook post had described some of the feelings like how you feel after you see bubbles or fireworks or eat ice team – especially with sprinkles. It also mentioned that colors and shapes can bring a sense of joy.


I thought that was interesting and then thought to myself: if that’s joy, then what does it mean that God gives joy? 
And it was at that very moment that I saw the sunset! Haha! 
So God has made everything that there is including the beautiful things and the things in life that give joy.
There’s more though. In the Bible it says that the fruit of the Spirit is Joy. These are some of the fruits:
Love, joy, peace patience, kindness etc…
Did you notice the word joy in there. What can that mean?
After thinking a little, I realized that when you come to God he frees you. He frees you from guilt, from the darkness in your life that may have been caused by bad decisions, selfishness, hatred and sin. In turn for us giving him our pain – he gives us back a sense of freedom, of long term happiness when we follow his good commands and a sense of joy.
You see God himself is so beautiful that when you actually feel his presence near you it is the most beautiful feeling.
A combination of the intense love he has for you, the kindness he shows, his compassion on us pulling us out of the depths, the beauty of his purity, the peacefulness he gives and when you put all these things together and mix them up with doubtless a hundred more things that he is, you come away with this feeling of intense joy that is beyond words to explain.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians Chapter 4: 6
And one more thing. Walking though this world and walking in his light and goodness will bring you a peace, it will bring happiness in the long term as you are actively loving those around you and the pieces of your life are coming together but also when you remember how God loves you, there is joy.
I hope this has encouraged you! Have any questions or comments? I would love to hear them!
And if you are struggling or wishing  to make additional income in your life. If that’s you, keep reading!

 You may be wondering how you can make income sharing what you love? But it’s EASY really!

let me explain!




here’s how you do it:

Just start putting together your blog or website and share what interests you on there. Then share it with people.

Ask me how to advertise too. 

When you get your six members, you will start sharing your blog with your team and all your new people week after week!


PS: Call or connect with me if you need help putting your blog or website together. 🙂 


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

7 -15 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from July 16 – July 22nd for all those who are generating hits. All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday morning Pacific time.


GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 958

knightsgdi – 23

odlewis111 – 423

shane73- 638

gdiwinteam –

rjas19 – 9

recpark  –


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.

It’s About TIME!

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

Hope you’re all well and in good spirits! This week we have had 4 people interested and sign in to know more. From that we had three people request the link to sign up and one new signup! We will now be putting that new member under Shane. This week I wanted to share an awesome video with you that will really encourage you with what we’re doing with GDI Team Elite! Check it out after you find your hit counts below the article. 🙂 



Your hit counts are below this brief message. 



This I want to share with you an incredible video. In fact I would call it genius!

its about time pic IMG_0065
Click on pic to watch video.
 Want to hear the most amazing solution to your financial problems? 
When I first saw this video I was blown away! I couldn’t believe it LOL!
 It’s one of those videos that can literally change your future and that could make your life swing on different “hinges” so to speak.

This video is the essence of what we are doing here in GDI TEAM ELITE! 


It could change so many things: 
♦️Waking up to an alarm clock every morning 
♦️Having to drive through traffic .
♦️Being forced to live where you do because of finances. 

It’s not a long video and it’s entertaining as well as amazingly informative. It looks like it was made in the 90’s but it’s ideas are just as relevant today. Check it out here!
???? Oh…I almost forgot…watch it on your computer as I found the video wouldn’t show on my iPhone.
Then get back to me and connect and let’s put together a strategy of making this work for you!


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

7 -15 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from July 9nd – July 14th for all those who are generating hits. Members who have a hit count below 10 will not be posted at this time. All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday morning Pacific time.


GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 1326

knightsgdi – 22

odlewis111 – 282

shane73- 1096

gdiwinteam –

recpark  –


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.

Two Internet Marketing Secrets

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

Hope you’re all well and in good spirits! This week we have had 6 people interested and sign in to know more. That is some good traction but no new paid memberships.

That’s the thing about sales, sometimes people join and pay because they value the service and sometimes they don’t. The point is to keep the odds in your favor by getting as  many ads in the marketplace as you can. GREAT WORK Team! 

Your hit counts are below this brief message. 



This week I wanted to briefly share TWO SECRETS of internet marketing with you:

You have to find every avenue you can to get your ads out there. Brainstorm and then get busy! Realize that by doing this together as a team we are getting a MASSIVE amount of ads in the marketplace! So keep up the good work! 
Two: ** The “KNOW, LIKE & TRUST YOU” Rule
If you get your stuff out there but nobody knows, likes or trusts you – it will have little effect. That’s why ads sometimes take 6-7 times for people to see them before they act. They are getting to KNOW you!
Because we are a team, they are getting to know the team leader. But soon they will get to know you when you get your 6 members and become the leader!
Here’s one more secret: Giving away something for free can also help people to trust you. We are giving away our help as a team for free. This is a super asset!
So there you are! Have a great week team and don’t forget this important quote
“formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune”
Jim Rohn ???? ☀


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people get to know you. (See secret number two). Check out my blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

7 -8 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from July 2nd – July 8th for all those who are generating hits. Members who have a hit count below 10 will not be posted at this time. All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday morning Pacific time.


GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 837

knightsgdi – 207

odlewis111 – 536

shane73- 1406

recpark  – 0


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.

Welcome Team!

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

Hope you’re all well and in good spirits!

Make income sharing what you love with a GDI blog! I love sailing and hiking and sharing my love with others! If you want help building your website too, feel free to connect with me.  Also check out all my stories and sailing accounts at my GDI blog:

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 


So this week we got 5 new people who signed up to find out more about GDI Team Elite and 2 who are now in the process of actually joining and one new member! Great work!
Great work on getting all your hits for the team! As a co op our uniting together to get hits allows us to get more hits and more signups because of our focus! Great work making it all happen!

Your hits counts are shown below.

 Keep Up The Good Work – Go Team!


Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from June 25-July 1st for all those who are generating hits. Members who have a hit count below 10 will not be posted at this time. All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday morning Pacific time.


GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 877
knightsgdi – 135
odlewis111 – 188
wahinebiz – 1344
  • shane73- 436
  • recpark – new member

If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 



Thats why I will be showing you some life changing programs on this blog that will help you:

  • Focus on what your really great at – not just at what you can do well.
  • Change your financial world!
  • Travel and work from anywhere in the world! 

I can hear you saying: “I’ve heard that before, or “that’s nice but how realistic is that?”

But that’s where I can encourage you to think differently!

It’s your mindset that has to change FIRST before you can do anything great. If you don’t think you can do anything amazing – then your right! But change your mindset and find the tools to make it happen and you will! 

Thats why I’m here!

To help you get started on the right foot!

So let me start with your first step:

Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.

My FAVORITE Advertising Safelists!


Welcome to my blog!

Make income sharing what you love with a GDI blog! I love sailing and hiking and sharing my love with others! Feel free to check out all my stories and sailing accounts at:

On this page I will show you a few safelists I use every day. Start with these.

However, realize that in the end you are going to need big advertising power. Realize that it’s going to take time, money and investment to create this. If your resources are low, you can build your advertising power slowly over time.

Yes, you can advertise for free but this takes a lot more time and work. If you want to talk to me about this, feel free to leave me a message below.



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.



European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List 

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!



To your success!



cell: 626-379-5692


Easy to do, Easy Not to do!


Welcome to Vision Today!

I love sailing, hiking, personal motivation, business and sharing what I love with others! Feel free to check out all my exciting adventures at my websites below!

Today I want to share with you how Jim Rohn changed my life with this simple little message: “Easy to do, Easy not to do!”



Basically he was saying that success in anything on a daily basis “is easy to do but easy NOT to do!”

What exactly does that mean?

Well let me explain.
Many successful habits don’t have to be time consuming or difficult but since they are not difficult to do, they also are easy to neglect. However, if you do not neglect doing them, it is the accumulation of them over time that makes them so powerful!

So next time you find yourself overwhelmed by life’s demands, just hold on to the basics. Whether or not you exercise (for example) half an hour or longer, if your day becomes too demanding, just make sure you exercise a little. The habit is more important than anything else.

Yes the amount of time you spend is important too but when you destroy your habit or are not consistent enough to FORM the habit, that’s when it will all fall apart!

So taking this habit to your business is also the same concept. Build your habit and keep it – even if it’s just five minutes. The daily habit will force your mind to contemplate how to eventually find more time!

Did you catch that?

Over time you will keep getting better and better!

Want to know 3 Habits that will change your life? 

1) Attention to Reading or daily Learning

2) Attention to prayer and focusing your mind 

3) Attention to fitness 

Check this video out for more info:

Now want to find a  habit that will change your business?

Contact 40 – 100 people a day on Facebook and have 5 conversations a day. Don’t shove your business down there throats.

Just talk and see where they’re at and what they want. That’s it. This single habit will blow your business up – in a good way!

Watch this video for more details:

click here


AND this will share with you the business the video is talking about!
▪Amazing FREE system with a huge backend money making system!

▪Make up to $125 and more WITHOUT Any investment!

▪ Earn full time residual income!

▪ Learn how to create a real online business – not just a hobby.

▪Break through the barriers holding you back!

▪Double your current income,

▪Generate 20 leads per day on YouTube

▪Real life lessons on starting a successful business from scratch with zero investment.

So don’t waste any more time! Create your habit of working on your business today!

Click here

man at laptop resize 2

Want to connect with me?

~Albie Derbyshire

‭ 1-877-576-9973‬

Cell: 626-379-5692

SailingWithAlbie (at) gmail (dot) com

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