Harmony Mails
State of the art Mailer
Tezzers (Tezak Traffic Power)
The Lead Magnet
List Avail
Global Safelist
Email Hog
for more information about the Secret of the Big Dogs and the massive amount of excellent advice found there, please go here
Crucial Marketing Concepts
by Elizabeta & Albie
“Today I want to share something very important to all of you. I want you to realize the power of the team, and how valuable “know, Like and Trust” are..
All of you are marketers. All of you have experience in promoting (some more, some less)
Now I want to ask you to think about your online results. What are your results in a cold market (selling with promotion on mailers, traffic exchanges, FB and other social media)
You could make money promoting the “Hot Offers”, but it would be like a lottery. Some months you will have results, some not. These results don’t depend on you.
You can promote and promote and promote without result, or get something with the first promotion once and nothing several weeks later.
Success in internet marketing is NOT like a lottery. No one wins by chance.”
And Elizabeta went on to say that the more skillful a marketer you were, the less chance has to do with it.
Also, she explained that that having a team that KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you will bring you more sales as your team know that you are not just trying to get a sale and will buy from you. You are all about helping your team and therefore they trust you and know that you will only show them quality tools and programs. The minute you take advantage of them is when you lose that trust.
Building carefully upon this trust is what takes your marketing from chance to consistent sales.
Having said that, I want to share some advertising and marketing rules with you.
I will also share with you that I have found advertising GDI Team Elite much more predictable then any other opportunity that I’ve ever done. I think there is good reason behind this and that it has a lot to do with how the GDI and GDI Team Elite marketing systems have been set up.
So now let’s get into it:
Marketing Key:
1) Seen a lot with at least 1000 hits or more to know how they are working. Usually 1-3 subscribers is normal per 1000 hits (hits are not how many people you sent ads to. It is the amount of people actually clicking on your website).
2) Best performing capture pages should be shared and seen often (it’s like having meat & potatoes).
3) Switch up your pages to create interest (Like Desert).
4) Have Creative & Fun pages in the batch.
5) Sent with Target Market in mind (ex: Work from Home niche).
6) Break down niche even further to see inside Target Market (Ex: people tired of doing scam programs).
7) Make sure ads are seen on a LOT of Safelists so that if one area or Safelist/TE “dries up” from people on there with not enough interest , the others don’t. In other words, don’t put all your ads on one site only.
8) Sometimes it takes a person 7x to see an ad for them to decide to take action: If they see your picture or branding on many different pages this may also count.
So this equation may take a Week or a Month:
Week: if someone is a free member and has to click for credits and sees your ad once on every site they use for traffic they might come across your picture or ad seven times in a week
Month: If someone is an upgraded traffic member and only clicks on one tenth or one out of thirty of the ads on each traffic site, they might come across your picture or ad seven times in a month.
9) Most ads must be short and sweet pages (especially if using TE’s and often Safelists too) with just enough “meat” to create enough interest to get them to sign up but not too short (without enough “food” to create interest).
The art of getting someone to sign up is:
A) Offering them something of REAL VALUE that they really need.
B) if you are a dentist you need to appeal to people with tooth aches.
If you are an online marketer appealing to work at home people, you need to appeal to those suffering from getting no signups,
not enough traffic
or those
not making enough money.
C) The wording is very important. Getting them to a FREE offer or something they TRUST is crucial. Then they can take a look and if they like it, they will step further and buy or test it. This is a great feature for GDI because it comes with a free week trial and is not expensive monthly.
10) Getting someone on your list is only half the battle. The next half is the email campaign you send them and the relationship you build with them through your emails and the amount of interest you create so they contact you.
This is why the GDI Team Elite autoresponder with TrafficWave is so effective. It does an awesome job at helping new people to connect with the team leaders.
I hope this Key is helpful for you! I have placed it on my Advanced Marketing Secrets page for you to have access to whenever you need. This page covers a lot more than is shown here. Copy this link so you are able to view it whenever you like.
TE’s & Safelists:
What’s the difference?
There is certainly a difference, and this difference should be understood!
I searched the internet looking for others views on the difference.
Warrior Forum has a lot to say, but most of the people who share their opinions here have little real experience about the two of them. I have been using these methods since 2012 and understand a lot.
But some statistics I found on the forum from a few people that seemed to know what they were talking about seemed to have similar thoughts as the comment below from glynlafferty:
“Using Safelists you can usually get a conversion rate at around 5% and with traffic exchanges it’s much lower.”
Warrior Forum Note on Safelists & TE’s
He also commented:
“I use safelists for listbuilding and can get anything up to 15 leads per day from them. The main thing is not to get bogged down in them only some of them work that have active clickers the rest of them are useless.”
.Also the GDI Team Elite website says that “…Traffic Exchanges do not get the results that Safelists and Mailers get.”
From GDI Website about Safelists and TE’s
“…However its results we need to bring in new members, and the cold hard truth is that safelists and mailers are getting results. We, your GDI team elite upline have many years of advertising experience and we all agree that safelists are bringing in more new members that any other FREE method.“
From GDI Website about Safelists and TE’s. This can be viewed at http://earn4life.ws/advancedtrainingpage/
“…There are some great ones like EasyHits4U and I personally use any method I can to to promote my team link…”
So we see that GDI Team Elite is not entirely against Traffic Exchanges. Let me now add my thoughts on the subject:
My thoughts are thus: The good Traffic Exchanges and Safelists are very similar in nature. They both require you to view fellow member ads and open the link to websites where you then confirm you saw it and then you move on to the next one. However, there ARE some specific differences:
Disadvantage of TE’s:
- Safelists links are often opened up from an email and even though MOST emails are not read, this still gives a slight advantage that the viewer MAY decide to read it if something catches their attention.
- Even when clicking on links from a Safelist (and NOT opening an email) when you FINISH confirming that you saw the website, the ad page does not disappear like on a TE until you actively click the page off, thus giving you another chance to view the page if there was still something you forgot to view but suddenly have a last minute reason to view it once more.
Advantage of Text Exchange:.
1. Text Exchanges do not allow you to only use a certain amount of credits. You can keep clicking to eternity and adding more and more credits as you do.
Most Safelists only allow you to mail your ad every two or three days or on occasion once a day but this is usually because of an upgrade if so and most do not give this privilege even with the full upgrade. So this IS an advantage for a TE.
Some exception safelists that I can think of are Europeansafelist, MountainHigh Mailer and MailOurList. These three allow you to mail EVERYDAY with an upgrade and MailOurList if you are upgraded and have enough credits or if you view 40 ads each day.
*Note: If you want the link for these safelists, they are mentioned at the end of this page if you scroll all the way down
These two disadvantages and reasons alone allow a slight advantage for Safelists over even the best Text Exchanges.
Even though the one advantage of Text Exchanges is a good one it still does not give the slight advantage of having your website viewed in a more comprehensive way.
The one thing I do suggest when using Safelists and Traffic Exchanges is that the more your website gets viewed, the more possibility you have of someone being curious enough to view it more carefully.
Having your picture and your name attached to the page (or your team leaders in our case) increases this chance even more and if you add new and interesting splash pages into the mix – along with the time tested proven ones, this opens the door even more!
One more Note:
As you probably know, we promote TE Profits (TEP) inside Step four and I am still agreeable with this strategy as it teaches a great strategy that can also be applied to Safelists too. Just be sure to apply the strategy to Safelists too!
In light of all of this, and after discussion with my personal team leader and sponsor Kathy Von Geldern, I suggest focusing on a dozen good Safelists and then moving on to good Text Exchanges afterwords if you still have time.
I hope this has helped give you understanding and a solid strategy to help your team and eventually HELP YOU build YOUR TEAM!
The last thing you want is a team that is NOT focused on using good solid advertising and helping you get the new members you need to all grow!
~Albie & Elizabeta
GDI Team Elite Leaders
Facebook Messenger: Albion W. Derbyhire