My Six Figure a Year Plan

Make Money with Clickbank

Clickbank Affiliate Scripts

Sailing With Albie!


Hi Team! 

.“If you want to make more money…


(do you remember?)


…become more valuable to the marketplace.”

Jim Rohn


How are you this week my friends?

This week we had 3 subscribers, 3 people asked for links, 6 people emailed me back and 0 signed up.  

Congrats to Diane Mumm for getting her first 6 members and becoming our newest team member!! This happened through Diane’s personal advertising and help from Elizabeta! 

Congrats to Igor for 2 new member signups! His team hit 9,243 hits and 3 subscribers. Excellent work! 

Were still belping Steve to get his six members. He now has two team members. 

Thanks to Elizabeth for helping us with the The Sixteen Steps. We are working on editing Step 16 now. Her team hit a total of 21,070 hits this week, 75 subscribers and 6 new members! Great job!  

Arthurs team had 2419 hits and 3 subscribers. Good work! Also Arthur is now on Step 11! 🙂 

Torab’s team hit 3,108 hits. Great work Torab & Steve! 


Congrats to Steve, & Torab for getting 1000 hits or more! Thank you also John for 622 hits this week.


Good job everyone working to get to the next step or to get hits for the team. Good work also Eric. 

 Edet, Steaven, Roger, Lyn, Wayne, Leyon, Walter and Shane. Mark, Brenna, Phil, Joseph, Esther, Brian Ramirez, Henry and Jeremy please contact me this week as we want to help you find success on our team too! 

We did combined total of 7,630 hits this week! Last week we did 17,854. If you add both our hits and Elizabeta’s team, Arthur’s and Igor’s together we had 40,362 hits! Last week it was 51,676.


Thank you for all your hits this week. For some we need to put in some more effort. We could NOT have done that many hits without ALL of your help. This combined total allowed us to bring in MANY new subscribers to our lists and this is where new members come from. 


Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be qualified to receive new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time!




Clickbank Affiliate Scripts


This week I want to share with you my six figure a year plan!


  .by Tumisu from Pixabay


Scroll down below article

and notes to find







“My Six Figure Income

a Year Plan”


The first thing I want to share with you is the reason I called this “my six figure income a year plan.” 

I don’t know if you’re like me but over the years I’ve been in over forty business opportunities and had little success with most of them. 
However, I personally have had success with GDI Team Elite and this is because of three factors: The marketing strategy allows us to personally connect with people and thus create “Know, Like & Trust”.
Let me share with you what success I’ve had so you will be encouraged: From 2016 to 2017 I ‘played around’ with GDI Team Elite, to see what I learned, not knowing what it was really about or it it really worked. I was doing other business opportunities at the same time.
By May of 2018, my team leader Kathy realized I could be a team leader and gave me that opportunity. By June Kathy had given me 6 members as a new GDI Team Elite leader. Within a couple weeks I only had a few left and only one was actually doing anything. Kathy gave me new members to make up for it (thanks Kathy!) but even these eventually dropped except one.
I tell you this to encourage you, that hardship does come but it can be overcome! 
By September of 2018, I had 13 members on my team and was just in the process of helping create my first team leader. Soon, Elizabeta had contacted me through one of my emails and we became friends. Elizabeta really inspired me. I realized that we could really do great things together. ,
It truly passed from dream to reality that those willing to work, do great things and who you can work with, trust and make business plans together with ARE really out there!
She also inspired us to really focus on the Sixteen Steps together and we began to work and make them better. By November Elizabeta was my next team leader. A little after Christmas, I had helped Torab become a leader and also helped Elizabeta help Igor become her first leader.
Today at the date of this writing, I have 46 people on my team and I have five leaders in my downline and three more on the way. I honestly don’t know how 1/3 of all our members came to be in my downline as that was all team effort! I don’t say this to brag, but rather to share with you that GDI Team Elite really works and that most likely if you have the patience and desire, it is possible for you too!
However, since early in 2018 I knew that in order to create six figures within a year or two, you have to have a funnel that allows you to make a higher monthly residual income and $100, $400 and $1000 paydays. 
This funnel I’m speaking of is the the Power Leads System (PLS) and is the one my seven figure income mentor Alan uses also. So does this means it’s not possible with GDI Team Elite? No, I’m not saying that. As you can obviously see IT IS WORKING. But it does take longer. This is also true. 
You’re probably wondering why I didn’t just go and build a PLS team instead of a GDI team?! haha! Yes, I get it. However, that is the thing. If I could have built a team with PLS, I would have. But building an actual team is GDI Team Elite’s specialty and for this I owe them my gratitude.
Back to PLS. This system allows you to create high monthly residual income as well as have access to an awesome and powerful capture page, squeeze page, sales page and funnel maker and connect these with an autoresponder and to your mailing list.
You can now take a look at my new landing page that I made using the Power Lead System. Its the one I’m going to be sending my new subscribers through before they join my in GDI Team Elite.
 GDI & PLS are both older companies with strong track records. Even though this page is for new subscribers, you can find out all about the plan and a little about how it works too! 
You can see it here.
Important Note: If you liked this article let me know or if you need help please email me back and we’ll make it happen. I wrote this article for you! 

Always remember that building a team, or learning internet marketing is a thing of value and takes time to build. Don’t fall for the “get rich quick” theme you see so often out there!






New additions added to the Sixteen Steps.

.You can go here now to enter:



Password for the Introduction Step and Step One are here (Please ask for next password after completing assignments inside and talking with me):

Intro: AE67

Step One: AE1991597

Email Marketing




New Advertising page added to the Team Store!

OUR NEW DIGITAL STOREFRONT with 10,000 information products is now OPEN!!!


You can see our AE Advertising Club and all it offers here.


Add your additional income ads for others to see. 🙂 

Have something you want to sell or buy?

You can go to the

Team Store



PS: Don’t forget,

if there’s anything YOU want to sell at the Team Store
to let me know! 
PS: If you want  to know how to become an affiliate of Amazon and sell a few things here in our Team Store, or you already have a drop shipping account, then let me know!



“My Story” of how I joined 40 business opportunities and had very little success

Click here

* Favorite Traffic sites are listed at the end of today’s page:


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!

This Weeks 

Hit Counts



Here are the hit counts from April 12th – April 20th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. 

.Please preferably get hits from safelists sites although some Text Exchange (TE)sites are ok. The list of TE’s inside TE Profits are acceptable. However, please realize that we get more signups from Safelists as apposed to TE’s and SOME TE’s are NOT good).

.Please see the GDI TE guidelines about this at

.The key is to advertise particularly in safelist sites, everywhere you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Saturday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 3,862

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 

ericagyekum103 – 0

shane73 – 4

lyncoulter – 12

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 

recpark17  –

geefster  – 1

biggem28 –

Juanbenero77- 6

ekuzevska5 – 10

Torab8 – 1,636

mtrimcheska1 – 4

rjs28 – 

Edarch3 – 

Ivoljc – 1

Successbuilder10 – 

Johnv7 – 630

Hostmartz – 1,474

r2rguru – 0

If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!


“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 




Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.


If you like watch this short video and if you can say “No” at the end, well give you $1000 worth of hotel savings. Go here!

These will give you the BEST Hotel rates available with Taxes already included! 

 My wife and I just saved $275 recently on our holiday in Hawaii! 

My Best Safelists:


Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!


























This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange







































































Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!




































To your success!


REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.

The Science of Getting Rich Catalyst

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week? This week we had 20 opt in’s including requests to join and 1 new sign ups this week.  Welcome to the team Krishna!

Congrats to Arthur, Elizabeth, Torab, Robert & Igor for getting their 1000 hits! Well done! Special congrats to Igor for getting his first 973 hits! Great work to Marija for 835 hits and hitting Step Seven! Great job Elizabeth for all her help with the team this week, editing and creating very useful articles and help for the team. She has been invaluable in helping to take our team to the next level (you will soon see what her efforts are doing for all of us!)  

 Good job everyone working to get to the next step or to get their hits including Juan and Shane. Good job Esther and Edet now on Step four! Good job Eric, working on getting his website complete.  Good job Torab working on Step Six. Good job Lynette for all her effort this week too. Good job Krishna already completing Step Two! 

We did combined total of 15,158 hits this week! Awesome job everyone! 

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time!

This week I want to share with you “The Science of Getting Rich” and what a catalyst for success this can be for you!



 Scroll down below article to find hit counts 🙂




The ‘Science of Getting Rich’

by  Wallace Wattles


The reason I am here talking to you and kept going long enough to meet my mentor Alan and learn how to make consistent income online was because this book propelled me on. 
I am a Christian and don’t follow everything in the book but most of the principles are to be found deep inside the Christian life too.
This book is a simpler version of “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This also is a life changing book.
However The Science of Getting Rich is, I believe, the essence of Think and Grow Rich and if you focus on it, will give you a clearer path to follow.
One important nugget that I learned was that as you can see the pieces coming together, then you’re mind begins to believe it more.
For example when I started making consistent income online, it helped me to see things differently. I could see exactly how that happened and how to help others to duplicate it. This was a puzzle piece for me that was now in the right spot.
So each day I try and see if there is a piece missing and if I can see how to make it fit. And each day moving forward to see my dream more clearly.
Each new puzzle pieces that comes in place makes your dream and vision easier to believe.
Once a day is all it takes to visualize your success but do it when your not going to be interrupted and when things are peaceful. I also like to walk and pray and then discuss my dream with God. One also must remember that your success is a pathway to helping others to succeed. Having a giving heart is very important.
There’s too much to explain about this book here but this book is the main subject in Step Seven and you will see how each of the main points of this book were life changing.  If you like reading or listening to audio-books, you can get started on it now. I read it over ten times so reading it once is a good start. 
I found the Audio book to be the best as I could listen to it easily when driving. You can find the book or audio at the Team Store.

You can go to the Team Store here.

.PS: Don’t forget, if there’s anything you want to sell at the Team Store to let me know!
Email Marketing




  Here’s the link to my web page to find additional helpful articles and sources:

Click on each:

For additional INCOME sources.

Making a BIG Income with GDI Team Elite

The Sixteen Steps and Becoming a Team Leader

.If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below.


“My Story” of how I joined 40 business opportunities and had very little success

Click here

* Favorite Traffic sites are listed at the end of today’s page:


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

11-18 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from  Nov 12th – November 18th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 5,101

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 51

ericagyekum103 – 0

shane73 – 19

lyncoulter – 308

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 0

recpark17  –

geefster – 1,325

biggem28 –

Juanbenero77- 32

ekuzevska5 – 2,472

Torab8 – 1,870

mtrimcheska1 – 835

rjs28 – 2,167

Edarch3 – 5

Ivoljc – 973


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 





Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 


PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.


If you like watch this short video and if you can say “No” at the end, well give you $1000 worth of hotel savings. Go here!

These will give you the BEST Hotel rates available with Taxes already included! 

 My wife and I just saved $275 recently on our holiday in Hawaii! 

My Best Safelists:



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!

To your success!



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.

The Path To Six Figures

This article may be very important for you to read…

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week? This week we had 13 opt in’s, four requests to join and 2 sign ups this week!  Welcome to the TEAM Elizabeth and Rosemarie!

Congrats to Arthur getting 5 new members under him (he’s going to be our newest team leader!  Congrats on  Elizabeth hitting 1811 hits her first week!  Awesome!

 Good job everyone working to get their hits including Lynette and Juan for all there hard effort! We did combined total of 7,863 hits this week.

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time! 

This week I want to share with you the path to six figures:



 Scroll down below article to find hit counts 🙂




The Path to Six Figures:

So the path to six Figures must be able to be measurable.
My mentor showed me that you must be part of an opportunity that firstly even allows you the ability to make six figures.
That’s why when working with him, the opportunity he used had ways to make residual income and $100, $400 and $1000 bonus income. Residual income is the key factor but also if you can make an additional 400 – $1000 a month consistently then you can start to measure how close you are coming to that goal.

Measurable First Step:

GDI Team Elite has made one thing very clear to me. It has brought in new paying members consistently and that generally stick too. This is a measurable and encouraging.

.Second Measurable Step:

The second step that GDI Team Elite has done is that it has shown me that duplication is possible. Duplication of team leaders is the key. Once you have four to six good leaders under you, then things start to move away from you. Income starts to come in from “nowhere” as these teams begin to duplicate under you and soon you are not even a big part of it anymore.
I mean, for example, my sponsor team leader is making residual income from all my efforts! Haha! 
Four leaders that grow, who bring in 5 new members each, means $20 monthly (beside what members you have and are earning from on your first level). Anyway, no biggie but once your team members duplicate and get their four then we are talking $100 on the third level. And times this by four legs and you have $400. Of course it just keeps on going and growing. So $400 turns into $800 and eventually it becomes $800 on just one leg.
The key to this is DUPLICATION.
If it can’t duplicate then it can’t grow.
GDI Team Elite Helps you get 6 paid members. So once you have 6 x 6 leaders on five levels it’s like 7-9k a month
So put 6 into box called “number of referrals” and 6 into the box of the “number of levels”  and see what you get:
 You can see the GDI calculator here:
Email Marketing


Third Measurable Step:

The third measurable step is building multiple streams of income. There are three really great income streams that work really well with GDI Team Elite. These are TrafficWave and The Power Leads System. Both of these allow you to build capture pages for your team and build your list. Traffic Wave is an essential part of becoming a team leader and is not expensive.
There is much more to TrafficWave that we could talk about but these are mentioned in a different article. You can see that here:
But The Power Leads System can change things very fast for you.
We’re talking the possibility of creating $600 residual income in your first 6 months and 10k a month residual in a year.
My personal mentor makes at least six Figures just from PLS. And he makes seven figures all together.
Also everyone who joins me in PLS has the opportunity to connect and be mentored by my seven figure mentor.
Nevertheless there are these concerns I want to make clear to everyone:
PLS is not like GDI Team Elite
GDI Team Elite works with Safelist marketing and this is because it allows trust to build and also is not expensive to join. These are very favorable to GDI.
In my opinion, PLS needs to be introduced with a personal touch from the very beginning to be effective.
The advertising should be word of mouth or a personal connection via Facebook or social marketing as this allows trust to build. After that PLS is completely duplicatable all by itself. Just following the steps it gives is all you have to do.
But try doing PLS without the personal touch and you will see a lot of people dropping out.
This is because they don’t have that personal connection. Here is the importance of personal connection:
Needless to say, without trust, people don’t stick.
This is why I encourage PLS later on as a possible income stream to those on my team who already know me and trust me.
Yes it’s a great step to connect with PLS and join, but it may be best to join AFTER you have become a team leader – if you can. Just realize that GDI Team Elite is possible to do without PLS but it will take longer.
With PLS, you can use the system with your capture pages and with your list and a multitude of other things that I don’t have the time to explain. But I will say this. Being mentored by my mentor Alan Cosens will change your life and change how you see online marketing. It will also change how you see GDI Team Elite. You will see your mailing list with a whole new set of eyes.
Here’s a link you can go to and see my mentor Alan Cosens and he will explain the importance of building an email list.
Also you can test out PLS here for a seven day free trial.
Its important to realize that it takes daily work to create residual income with your own business.

.You can achieve it with GDI Team Elite one step at a time.

This is where you have to start or nothing will build. If you start now, in a years time you will have built something substantial (if you are consistent and hard working).



  Here’s the link to my web page to find additional helpful articles and sources:

Click on each:

.For additional INCOME sources.

Making a BIG Income with GDI Team Elite

.The Sixteen Steps and Becoming a Team Leader

.If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below.


“My Story” of how I joined 40 business opportunities and had very little success

Click here

* Favorite Traffic sites are listed at the end of today’s page:


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

10-14 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from October 7th – October 14th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 4382

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 30

ericagyekum103 – 0

shane73 – 22

lyncoulter – 549

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam –

recpark17  –

geefster – 629

biggem28 –

Juanbenero77- 440

ekuzevska5 -1811


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 


PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.


If you like watch this short video and if you can say “No” at the end, well give you $1000 worth of hotel savings. Go here!

These will give you the BEST Hotel rates available with Taxes already included! 

 My wife and I just saved $275 recently on our holiday in Hawaii! 

My Best Safelists



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!

To your success!



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.

The Sixteen Steps & Your Vision for GDI Team Elite

Sixteen Steps to Financial Freedom with GDI Team Elite.

Are you with me? 


Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week? This week we had eight new opt ins and people asking to join our team.  Good job everyone getting their hits! 

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time! 

Sixteen Steps to Financial Success with GDI Team Elite. 


                                             “Sixteen Steps”


 Scroll down below article to find hit counts 🙂




How the 16 Steps Works and Creates Vision, Duplication & Success in GDI Team Elite:

The Sixteen Steps is a duplicatable system that uses GDI Team Elite and other relative income sources to help you create a six figure yearly income.

Ask your team leader what step you are on and what you can do to get to the next.

It all begins with Vision.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. If you have six leaders do this instead of five that is $7776 mo. Create seven leaders and this would be $16,807

Now do you see what I’m talking about!

This is called leverage. The Sixteen Steps helps you understand how to create this.



Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who  are leaders like you, who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 


“The Problem of Duplication”

The real problem in creating leverage, is being able to help someone do what you are doing.


Once you accomplish duplication, your pay and efforts double. When you build a team who can duplicate what you’re doing, you quadruple your earnings and then it begins to build away from you and all it needs is your supervision. You can become very rich very fast if you can create duplication with a good system that’s not scamming people.

That’s what the Sixteen Steps are all about.


If you take good notes on each of the Sixteen Steps and do them, in a year from now your life ought to be very different. I know that’s sounds crazy but if you trust me you will see how many income streams are built into these steps.

This next paragraph is from an online message I answered one of my clients: 

“Every step I’ve put together is built on a year of personal pain learning it and what 6-figure earners do. You will see that nothing I have done is original except perseverance and connecting the dots. However, the business model I have chosen for the starting process and how I’ve connected multiple business  types that compliment each other is original. If you’re with me I would love to show you the steps and how powerful each one is. If you have 10 mins a day and two additional hours a week to support your growing team we can do this!” 

I hope this has helped you too! Keep reading on if you want to see Nine of the Sixteen Steps

Email Marketing

Here are some “Steps” you can take now:

Step One:

Communication is the KEY to our success. This will help us walk through all 10 steps together. Give quality time to communicate with your team leader and your team. Most communication can be done through email but there are times when Skype or Facebook Messenger will help us better.

Connect with me to Skype here


With Facebook Messenger:

Albie Derbyshire 

With Facebook here: 

(Option to send me friend request below. PS: You will notice occasionally that I promote additional income streams on Facebook that work really well there. Please just chat with me if your are interested in an additional income stream to make sure it fits with where you are at and your strategy. I don’t want to create confusion for you. Don’t worry – there will be a right time and place for everything. The

best strategy right now is to show you how to do GDI Team Elite successfully first!

Step Two:

Explain a big reason “why” you are doing this business. Make it bigger than just making extra income. If it’s just about extra income, you should be able to find a job that will be far easier to create that. If your “why” does not really effect you emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry) then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the financial leverage that it takes. You will be needing to motivate others to work without seeing an immediate profit and this requires passion and skill.
My “why” is that I want to be able to free up my wife from working and so that we can travel the world and take out business with us. So that we are not locked into having to be in any one particular place except that it have an internet connection. I went to be able to have enough money to retire with and give my children currently and later. That dream has helped me weather years of only making a little money here and there until I finally figured out how to make consistent income online. And I will show this to you also.  But first take a little time to identify your dream and why to yourself and then me.
Make sure you have written down your dream and your “why” so you can use it later to motivate yourself and to help and encourage your team.

Step Three:

Get your $25 Starter Bonus inside GDI backoffice. Just google Global Domains international (Not GDI) and find the login site. Here it is for you:
The GDI Starter Bonus will encourage you to send a pre-made “heads up” email to your friends and family about your business. It’s a super easy but I want to let you know that apart from this, this is NOT GDI Team Elites advertising strategy. We use a simple system that sends out ads across the globe.

Step Four:

Go through the 6 emails your team leader send you to get your business set up.

Step Five:

Get Your 1000 hits week.
If I can show you how to spend 10 minutes a day advertising, would you want to know how?
If you’re answer is ‘yes’, then upgrade to Platinum membership in Europeansafelist to advertise and get 1000 hits week. See more details by clicking here:
You can record this website for future reference:

Step Six:

Watch “It’s About Time” Video and go over GDI Compensation Plan.
It’s About Time video is entertaining as well as informative. It looks like it was made in the 90’s but it’s ideas are just as relevant today. Check it out here!
Oh…I almost forgot…watch it on your computer as I found the video wouldn’t show on my iPhone.

Step Seven:

Robert Hollis’s course on The Science of Getting Rich.
There are five important video’s to begin with. You can start by clicking here.
Ask your team leader for details how to watch the following ones. 🙂

Step Eight:

Build your GDI Website with your Team Leaders help.
Step Nine:
Becoming a team leader with their six members. Duplicating these Nine Steps and continue to complete the Sixteen.

Curious What the Other Steps look like?*

It all has to do with learning the skills that six and seven figure online income earners teach. Things that GDI Team Elite encourages you to build:

  1. Your Email List,

2. Creating real communication channels with your clients and list,

3. Building your advertising. and more.


*The following steps are archived on a special page on this website for team leaders to access. If you have not become a team leader yet, you should focus on this primarily and I believe I have given you enough steps to concentrate on to keep you busy. 🙂


  Here’s the link to my web page to find additional helpful articles and sources:


Go here for additional income sources.


If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below. Also many of my favorite traffic sites are listed at the end of this article.


Want to see how I joined 40 biz ops and had very little success? 

Click here


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 


Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from September 10th – September 16th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 5560

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 26

ericagyekum103 – 1

shane73 – 47

lyncoulter – 493

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 1

recpark17  –

geefster – 647

biggem28 –



If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 


PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!

My Best Safelists



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!

To your success!



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.


Sailing with Albie!

Hello my friends!

How are you this week? This week we had one new sign up again. Welcome to the team Brian! 

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time! 

  This week I want to share with you some ideas of how to make extra money and help you if you are struggling financially.  I hope you will find it helpful.  Please feel free to ask me any questions that you might have. 🙂 

“Some ideas for you

if you are struggling financially.


Check it out after you find your hit counts below the article. 🙂 



The first thing I want to encourage you to do if you are struggling financially is to get your $25 GDI bonus done! Its not that hard to do. 🙂 

The second thing to do if you need some help is to go to my website I put together with five different FREE income sources. These can help you possibly get ahead. I have made income consistently with many of these income sources and I’m sure you will find them helpful too. However, they won’t give you the leverage and financial freedom GDI Team Elite can do for you long term – as you will see below.
Email Marketing
But before I give you the link to check out these sites, I want to take a second and give you a heads up on how internet marketing works.
After being through 40 different business opportunities and years of spending money and not seeing much results, I eventually became very discouraged. Maybe you have gone through similar experiences? 
Honestly, I did not realize at first what GDI Team Elite had that was so important or DIFFERENT from all the other programs out there. But the difference is MASSIVE. I’m telling you out of experience and a LOT of struggle.
The first of all is that GDI allows for new members to communicate with you and allows for trust to build. If you don’t have this then it SO much harder to create an ENORMOUS  amount of advertising to reach the few who will buy.  Cold market is so much harder to do. That’s why GDI takes its COLD market and turns them into WARM market. It also has the co-op advertising needed for cold market to create that massive amount of advertising that has to be met to effectively convert.
I know this doesn’t seem important but after a year trying to create effective communication online  – I failed. When I realized how GDI had achieved this, I was so impressed!
A few other things that GDI Team Elite builds is duplication and an email list and an effective way to respond to your list. The next thing it does it to create leverage and a way to create financial independence from home. Don’t forget this when you look at these other opportunities to create additional income.
My personal story is that I could create additional income with these sources but I could NOT create the leverage or duplication needed to change my life financially. So please use these additional income sources but don’t get LOST and forget what GDI can do for you that few other programs can do! I hope you can take my advice and won’t have to learn the hard way like I did. 🙂

After saying all that, here’s the link to my web page to find additional income sources:

Go here for additional income sources.


Please just remember that it takes time and effort to build GDI Team Elite. It’s all about building a solid business with GDI and building additional income streams.


If you have any questions about GDI Team Elite, how I know you can do it and help set you free financially, please contact me!


PS: I can also show you how to have these same income streams as I have to share with your team!


PSS: If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below. Also many of my favorite traffic sites are listed at the end of this article.



Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

8 -26 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from August 24  – September 2nd for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 4488

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 54

shane73 – 43

Lync22 – 22

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 3

recpark17  –

maxwell –

geefster – 913

biggem28 –

Juanbenero77- 14


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 

~Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!

My Best Safelists



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!


To your success!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.