The Sixteen Steps & Your Vision for GDI Team Elite

Sixteen Steps to Financial Freedom with GDI Team Elite.

Are you with me? 


Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week? This week we had eight new opt ins and people asking to join our team.  Good job everyone getting their hits! 

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time! 

Sixteen Steps to Financial Success with GDI Team Elite. 


                                             “Sixteen Steps”


 Scroll down below article to find hit counts 🙂




How the 16 Steps Works and Creates Vision, Duplication & Success in GDI Team Elite:

The Sixteen Steps is a duplicatable system that uses GDI Team Elite and other relative income sources to help you create a six figure yearly income.

Ask your team leader what step you are on and what you can do to get to the next.

It all begins with Vision.

Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. If you have six leaders do this instead of five that is $7776 mo. Create seven leaders and this would be $16,807

Now do you see what I’m talking about!

This is called leverage. The Sixteen Steps helps you understand how to create this.



Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who  are leaders like you, who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 


“The Problem of Duplication”

The real problem in creating leverage, is being able to help someone do what you are doing.


Once you accomplish duplication, your pay and efforts double. When you build a team who can duplicate what you’re doing, you quadruple your earnings and then it begins to build away from you and all it needs is your supervision. You can become very rich very fast if you can create duplication with a good system that’s not scamming people.

That’s what the Sixteen Steps are all about.


If you take good notes on each of the Sixteen Steps and do them, in a year from now your life ought to be very different. I know that’s sounds crazy but if you trust me you will see how many income streams are built into these steps.

This next paragraph is from an online message I answered one of my clients: 

“Every step I’ve put together is built on a year of personal pain learning it and what 6-figure earners do. You will see that nothing I have done is original except perseverance and connecting the dots. However, the business model I have chosen for the starting process and how I’ve connected multiple business  types that compliment each other is original. If you’re with me I would love to show you the steps and how powerful each one is. If you have 10 mins a day and two additional hours a week to support your growing team we can do this!” 

I hope this has helped you too! Keep reading on if you want to see Nine of the Sixteen Steps

Email Marketing

Here are some “Steps” you can take now:

Step One:

Communication is the KEY to our success. This will help us walk through all 10 steps together. Give quality time to communicate with your team leader and your team. Most communication can be done through email but there are times when Skype or Facebook Messenger will help us better.

Connect with me to Skype here


With Facebook Messenger:

Albie Derbyshire 

With Facebook here: 

(Option to send me friend request below. PS: You will notice occasionally that I promote additional income streams on Facebook that work really well there. Please just chat with me if your are interested in an additional income stream to make sure it fits with where you are at and your strategy. I don’t want to create confusion for you. Don’t worry – there will be a right time and place for everything. The

best strategy right now is to show you how to do GDI Team Elite successfully first!

Step Two:

Explain a big reason “why” you are doing this business. Make it bigger than just making extra income. If it’s just about extra income, you should be able to find a job that will be far easier to create that. If your “why” does not really effect you emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry) then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the financial leverage that it takes. You will be needing to motivate others to work without seeing an immediate profit and this requires passion and skill.
My “why” is that I want to be able to free up my wife from working and so that we can travel the world and take out business with us. So that we are not locked into having to be in any one particular place except that it have an internet connection. I went to be able to have enough money to retire with and give my children currently and later. That dream has helped me weather years of only making a little money here and there until I finally figured out how to make consistent income online. And I will show this to you also.  But first take a little time to identify your dream and why to yourself and then me.
Make sure you have written down your dream and your “why” so you can use it later to motivate yourself and to help and encourage your team.

Step Three:

Get your $25 Starter Bonus inside GDI backoffice. Just google Global Domains international (Not GDI) and find the login site. Here it is for you:
The GDI Starter Bonus will encourage you to send a pre-made “heads up” email to your friends and family about your business. It’s a super easy but I want to let you know that apart from this, this is NOT GDI Team Elites advertising strategy. We use a simple system that sends out ads across the globe.

Step Four:

Go through the 6 emails your team leader send you to get your business set up.

Step Five:

Get Your 1000 hits week.
If I can show you how to spend 10 minutes a day advertising, would you want to know how?
If you’re answer is ‘yes’, then upgrade to Platinum membership in Europeansafelist to advertise and get 1000 hits week. See more details by clicking here:
You can record this website for future reference:

Step Six:

Watch “It’s About Time” Video and go over GDI Compensation Plan.
It’s About Time video is entertaining as well as informative. It looks like it was made in the 90’s but it’s ideas are just as relevant today. Check it out here!
Oh…I almost forgot…watch it on your computer as I found the video wouldn’t show on my iPhone.

Step Seven:

Robert Hollis’s course on The Science of Getting Rich.
There are five important video’s to begin with. You can start by clicking here.
Ask your team leader for details how to watch the following ones. 🙂

Step Eight:

Build your GDI Website with your Team Leaders help.
Step Nine:
Becoming a team leader with their six members. Duplicating these Nine Steps and continue to complete the Sixteen.

Curious What the Other Steps look like?*

It all has to do with learning the skills that six and seven figure online income earners teach. Things that GDI Team Elite encourages you to build:

  1. Your Email List,

2. Creating real communication channels with your clients and list,

3. Building your advertising. and more.


*The following steps are archived on a special page on this website for team leaders to access. If you have not become a team leader yet, you should focus on this primarily and I believe I have given you enough steps to concentrate on to keep you busy. 🙂


  Here’s the link to my web page to find additional helpful articles and sources:


Go here for additional income sources.


If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below. Also many of my favorite traffic sites are listed at the end of this article.


Want to see how I joined 40 biz ops and had very little success? 

Click here


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 


Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from September 10th – September 16th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 5560

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 26

ericagyekum103 – 1

shane73 – 47

lyncoulter – 493

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 1

recpark17  –

geefster – 647

biggem28 –



If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 


PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!

My Best Safelists



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!

To your success!



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.

Getting Your 1000 Hits a Week

Need help getting your 1000 hits a week? Want to save yourself some time? Here are three strategies that will help you. 

Sailing with Albie!

Hello team!

How are you this week? This week we had two new sign ups this week. Welcome to the team Erick and welcome back Lynette! Good job everyone getting their hits this week! Great job Arthur for getting over 1500 hits! Arthur has been hitting a thousand or more a week, so I will be moving new members under him this week. 🙂 

Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be offered new members under you and become a team leader also.  Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time! 

Three strategies to getting your thousand hits a week


 Scroll down below article to find hit counts 🙂 



The Fastest Method

To Get Your 1000 Hits

(that I know of )

First of all get an upgraded premium account with Europeansafelist .

This will give you one million credits a month and allow you to advertise 3x a day to about 17000 people. From just one ad each day you will get a little over 300 hits a week. So if you send 3 emails a day at different random times you should get about close to a 900 -1000 hits.
These hits are real and real people are clicking on these ads.   The cost is $45 a month, I believe which turns into a $1.50 a day to save you hours of work each day. I’m used to spending $40 a week on one craigslist ad, so to me its totally worth it.  Here’s the link to join Europeansafelist if you want to use this system. Otherwise keep reading for the next strategy.
PS: if you want to get MORE than a 1000 a week you will need to sign up for the ebook called “Secrets of the Big Dogs” listed at the bottom of this blog post with my favorite  traffic sources.
Email Marketing

 The Second Fastest Way:

You can buy some solo ads from Blast My Ads. Every time I use one of these solos I find I’m getting close to 400 hits or more. That’s incredible! Solos are being sent to 59 sites and over 108,000 members. So that explains why. I’ve done it two different ways. I’ve bought the year package for $174 and I got a LOT of solos. I can use one weekly. I remember sending out one per week for a LONG time and being very impressed how many solos I received. The other way is just to buy 10 solos for $20 and then that will give you one per week for 2 and a half months. This method still leaves you needing 600 hits to get which you can do by using the upgraded version of Referral Frenzy (which is really awesome) or upgrading to a lower more inexpensive level on Europeansafelist (and getting an additional 300 hits a week with one more email ad a day). Now you only need to earn 300 hits from free traffic or by upgrading to a another few smaller Safelist. You can go to Blast My Ads below or keep reading for the last strategy.

  The Free Method.

I did this for four or five months. It was not hard work but it did take a lot of time. These days you can earn the points from viewing ads from just using your smart phone – so you can get around and don’t have to stay in one spot. Just be aware of your surrounding and don’t get too buried in your work that you forget to watch where you’re going! My daily work was just spending hours clicking on ads and earning credits. While you’re waiting for the timer to go on your viewing ads it is possible to have a little spare time to do other things. I used two email accounts especially for email ads and joined as many traffic Safelist’s as I could. But beware. There are some that don’t give you very many hits for all your effort getting credits. Also be careful of joining new business via these ads. I joined 40 of them over the course of many years and did not have any of the success I’m having from GDI Team Elite. There are specific reasons for this which you can find here.
The Safelist’s I mention give quality hits (and I’ve tested them for years) but you may need a bigger list to hit your 1000 hits. Just ask me and I will send you my complete list. Also if you can get a tracker to check who’s clicking your links and how many hits you’re getting – this will help you a lot. You can get a really great one that I use called Buildabizonline and it’s only $5 or $6 a month! Usually the price is $10 a month so this is a real bargain. I use this tracker and rotator with our team links every week.
I hope you found this article helpful. By the way, when you become a team leader by getting your six members you will be able to use your own GDI website to share with your team and promote additional helpful income streams to your team also.
~Albie 🙂

 PS: After saying all that, here’s the link to my web page to find additional income sources:


Go here for additional income sources.


.Please just remember that it takes time and effort to build GDI Team Elite. It’s all about building a solid business with GDI and building additional income streams.

. I can also show you how to have these same income streams as I have to share with your team!

.PSS: If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below. Also many of my favorite traffic sites are listed at the end of this article.


Want to see how I joined 40 biz ops and had very little success? 

Click here


Brand your pages, Track your Daily Hits!


Weekly Tip:

Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info: 

9 -9 -18

Hit Counts:

Here are the hit counts from September 3rd – September 9th for all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

7albie – 9482

knightsgdi –

odlewis111 – 102

ericagyekum103 – 2

shane73 – 88

lyncoulter – 175

Barbsmoneyline100 –

rjas19 –

gdiwinteam – 3

recpark17  –

geefster – 1644

biggem28 –

Juanbenero77- 15


If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.


Have you seen the possibilities for what can happen for you with GDI Team Elite?


Let me break it down real quick:


Get five referrals and GDI pays out $5. No biggie right. But hold on.  Each of those then refer five so now that means you’re making $25 on your 2nd level. Each of those refer 5 of their own. That’s $125 monthly on your 3rd level. If this continues on level four you would be making $625 and on level 5 you would be making $3125 per month. 

Now of course this is hypothetical, but you know with everything if you don’t give up you will eventually find these people who love the product and the compensation plan and just stick. 

Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!

Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.

And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me. 



cell: 626-379-5692



 I really care about your success!

 I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:

“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. 


Working together. 

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!

I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together. 


PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!

Click here…

To your success!


Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here. This card will give you the BEST Hotel rates available!

My Best Safelists



Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.


European Safelist

I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!


Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.


This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.

Mail Our List

One of my Powerhouse Mailers!

Blast My Ads!

Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

This is a big advertising method with 1,400,000 members! 
Its been around for over 15 years. 
The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Secrets of the Big Dogs
Ready to begin advertising on a bigger scale? 
Generate up to 10,000,000 (that’s right, I said ten MILLION!) targeted, pre-qualified prospects every month!

I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!


To your success!


*Disclaimer: Of course you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse. This information on this page is for example purposes only. Use this information at your own risk.