Sailing with Albie!
Merry Christmas team!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time and remember how valuable and precious you are to God and to us.
This week I want you to know that I am here to help you succeed. If you still do not have your website up and running, please let me know so I can help you. Thank you for all your team work. Here is a video to encourage you.
How are you this week? This week we had 11 opt in’s including requests to join and 1 new sign ups this week! Welcome to the team Brian Ramirez!
This week I want to say a special thanks to Torab with a high hit count of 1755. Thanks for all the effort!
Congrats to Elizabeth helping us officially get Step nine published. Elizabeth has been given her capture pages and auto-responder series from Martin in England and I believe has given out her link to her team. Marija, Igor and Krishna are in line to be getting new members.
Arthur has now his six direct members and will be giving out his link to his team soon. Torab (under Arthur) is up to receive the next members from our combined advertising!
Congrats to Torab, Marija, Igor, Krishna and Edet for getting their 1000 hits!
Good try Lynette for 744 hits (additional hits from last week added), Arthur with 646. Elizabeth for 488.
Good job everyone working to get to the next step or to get hits for the team including John Vance, Lynette, Shane,and Esther.
Good job Lynette for completing Step 6! Good job Dustin for completing Step Two! Good job Brian Remirez for getting his website up and going! Good job Marija completing her next step!
Brian Johnston, Shane, Richard, Mark, Andrjez, Juan, Brenna, Chamroen, Phil, Joseph and Henry please contact me this week as we want to help you find success on our team too!
We did combined total of 16,024 hits this week. Thank you for all your hits this week. For some we need to put in some more effort. We could NOT have done that many hits without ALL of your help. This combined total allowed us to bring in two new members this week, so remember how important you are to all of this!
Don’t forget that getting a 1000 hits allows you to be qualified to receive new members under you and become a team leader also. Also don’t forget to go after getting you $25 starting bonus while you have time!
This week I want to share with you the “view from the valley” and some creative ways to double your investment fund…
.This week we added some more valuable information to Step Two about doubling your investment fund. Please take the time to review it and get back with me so I can help you!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
By the way: .
Step Two Additions
Part Three:
Two: Let’s do Something Practical to Double Our Investment Fund:

Two NEW BOOKS added to the Team Store!
Have something you want to sell or buy?
You can go to the
Team Store
PS: Don’t forget,
Here’s the link to my web pages to find additional helpful articles and sources:
Click on each:
Making a BIG Income with GDI Team Elite
The Sixteen Steps and Becoming a Team Leader
.If you would like to see what I realized by becoming a GDI Team Elite Leader than click below.
* Favorite Traffic sites are listed at the end of today’s page:

This Weeks Hit Counts and Other Info:
Hit Counts:
Here are the hit counts from December 15th – December 22nd for all those who are generating hits.
If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits (preferably from safelists sites) using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. The key is to advertise everywhere particularly in safelist sites you possibly can.
All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Sunday afternoon Pacific time.
GDI User Names Listed Below:
7albie – 4,846
knightsgdi –
odlewis111 – 42
ericagyekum103 – 0
shane73 – 16
lyncoulter – 744
Barbsmoneyline100 –
rjas19 –
gdiwinteam – 0
recpark17 –
geefster – 646
biggem28 –
Juanbenero77- 10
ekuzevska5 – 488
Torab8 – 1,750
mtrimcheska1 – 1,222
rjs28 – 214
Edarch3 – 1,246
Ivoljc – 1500
Successbuilder10 – 3528
Johnv7 –
If you have trouble getting your 1000+ hits, you know what to do….just ask me or your direct sponsor for help. And remember that auto-surfing is not allowed simply because no one sees our ads. If no one sees them then no signups comes our way for us.
Hope this encourages you on your weekly mission getting your hit counts!
Note: If you wish me not to continue sending these team emails to you then please let me know and I’ll take you off the mailing list.
Weekly Tip:
Work on your website or blog. Its how people will get to know you and how you will build rapport for your business. Check out my GDI sailing blog here. Let me know if you need help with yours!
And remember that I am always here for you! If you have questions you can always email me, Skype (sailingwithalbie) text or call me.
cell: 626-379-5692
I really care about your success!
I want to help you focus on what your really great at and help you start a plan to implement that! I’m a big believer in Jim Rohns quote:
“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn.
Working together.
I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right!
I’m glad you’re on my team! I know we can do great things together.
PS: Want to meet my millionaire mentor? Robert Hollis has helped 52 people earn one million dollars and above! He has tons of free help and videos for you!
To your success!
Thinking about a vacation! Get your FREE $200 VIP Card TODAY by clicking Here.
If you like watch this short video and if you can say “No” at the end, well give you $1000 worth of hotel savings. Go here!
These will give you the BEST Hotel rates available with Taxes already included!
My wife and I just saved $275 recently on our holiday in Hawaii!
My Best Safelists:
Referral Frenzy
Referral Frenzy will allow you to mail to 89 top sites with just a few clicks! I use it every week.
European Safelist
I upgraded in this mailer and am able to send one million emails a month! I love this!
Mountain High Mailer
One of my FAVORITE mailers! Dianne pays a lot of time and attention to her website to make sure there are lots of visitors each day and that you are a happy customer.
This Mailer is similar to quality and traffic hits that I get from Mountain High Mailer.
Mail Our List
One of my Powerhouse Mailers!
Blast My Ads!
Solos sent to 47 sites and over 104,865 members!

Secrets of the Big Dogs
I used ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs’ to gain the knowledge and experience that it takes to advertise on a larger scale than I had done previously (even when I spent hours each day using free advertising methods). Even if you don’t have a lot of money, its worth joining so that you can save and build your advertising power over time!

To your success!
REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.