Albie: GDI Team Elite leader
Hi Team!
“Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you got.”
Jim Rohn
PS: Did you just read that? If so you have to read my article this week and see how just following basic principles of not quitting and persistence to find correct marketing skills changed everything over time for Elizabeta and myself (and it will do the same for you too!)
How are you this week my friends?
(After this article, you will see team update and team hits).
This week I want to share with you about Jim Rohn’s quote: “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you got.” Think about that for a moment. What are you doing that will bring change?
For me that meant reading books that would help me grow. It meant doing each day the basic things I needed to do to help me grow my team – such as advertising. It meant getting better each day at making splash pages, learning how to write my own emails, and finding ways to improve. I mean if you don’t want anything to happen then you can sit back and watch the world go by. But if you want change, focus on the important things that will make a difference over the next five years.
If you want something amazing, you have to go out there and get it and don’t expect it to be easy. You have to work every day at the basics and realize it takes time to “water” all your “baby plants” (customers, team members or potential ones). Like Jim Rohn says again, if you want change, you have to change.
.Maybe you’re saying that you don’t have enough time each day to do ANYTHING? Let me say right now that excuses are like hot air. I mean I was working ten hour days and still found at least ten minutes to give to my business each day. And so can you. Eventually things got better and had more time to do more effective work, but it all started there with not giving up just because of my circumstances.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT is crucial to the success equation. People can tell whether you’re having success or not or even if you’ve gone through whatever it takes to be able to guide them to the next level. They can FEEL this subconsciously and know whether your effective or not. That’s why I like to call it a bridge. This bridge represents something you have to cross in order to have the success you’re wanting . One of my mentors told me that I had to turn my failures into success or in other words grow my success from the manure of my failures. Think this is easy to make a lot of mistakes and keep plugging away and getting better? As you can guess, it’s not easy. That’s why I laugh when I see all these programs promising quick success online. It has nothing to do with reality and it’s why I went through forty different programs without earning hardly anything online.
So you must be willing to fail and fail again (just like a child learns how to walk) to get to a point where you’re confident about what you’re doing and can “cross the bridge” and effectively do the right things that bring you success. I’ve seen people do all the right things and not succeed and this is because their mind is NOT ready for it. They’re not confident, they’ve not been willing to go through enough failures to beginning to eventually succeed, they’re not learning and growing leadership skills to know how to grow a big team AND possibly they’re still complaining about everything, still have a negative attitude, doubting their success, still believe that they just haven’t got their “lucky break” and aren’t willing honestly to do the work required to succeed. WOW. That was a mouthful (lol)! So some or all of these things may be your /my problem. And if it is you need to work on changing this a little EVERY day. And read the “Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. It will help more than you can imagine. It’s a book about setting goals with your mind and how powerful your mind is in helping you achieve that.
I hope this helps you get the idea of how important the simple disciplines you do each day really are. If you’re not working daily through the Sixteen Steps, then get started. And if you want personal mentorship, then see the PS. below this article.
I hope this helps you!
Need help or have questions?
.PS: There is a new development: We have made it now possible to promote GDI and the Prosperity Marketing System at the same time using the same team link. This has taken me about a year to figure out how to do this!
See the compensation plan here. Okay, so what this means is that if you pay $12 month for PMS and get one new member under you, then you have earned $10 back, right off the bat. In GDI this $10 would take you having to help get ten people under you to earn that. Do you see what I mean? So am I trying to get you all to drop your GDI membership? Of course not. If you understand leverage and if you’re really in it to win in the long term then I’ve already convinced you that GDI is worth it. But why not earn your money back faster at the beginning? That’s what I’m trying to say!
So if you’re with me, or still skeptical, you can see ALL the advantages of joining the Prosperity Marketing System below (you get the benefits of the Mentors Program too):
And if you’re tired of reading and are convinced already, you can actually join here.
By the way, let me know when you join so I can help you get everything set up for you so you can promote both at the same time!
If you want to ask me a question about this, Email me:
A few weeks ago, I made a training of how to use Referral Frenzy. It will teach you how to set it up, how to send your ads and what tricks and tactics we use to get the most out of it!
====> you can see it here.
By the way, come back here when you’re done and see your team hits etc..
——> You can join now for FREE too and get 1000 credits by sending me an email and another 1000 credits from this promo code: TeamEliteClub. Then if you also use this code you will get a free solo too! EliteSolos1. You can FIND the Promo Code area inside the “SETUP ADS” tab. You can join AE Mailer ——–> HERE 🙂
.Don’t forget everything of real value takes time to build! Be patient with yourself. 🙂
This week we had 8 subscribers. We had 3 people asked for links, 0 people emailed me back and 0 signed up. Two weeks ago we helped Rob & Charlotte get a new member! This last week, no one qualified for getting members for team leader. You have to be getting 1000 hits or more and going through the training. For Team leader you must be past Step Seven. Great work Team!
Did you realize that we hit our highest team hits EVER seven weeks ago of 29,989 TOTAL hits!
Congrats to:
Congrats to Bruce for highest hits of 3,819,KC for second highest hits of 1,944! Congrats to Ruby & William came in third with 1,826! Congrats to Rob and Charlotte for 1008! Honorable mention to Charles for 794 hits. Don’t forget that 1000 hits is the only way you qualify to become a team leader.
Don’t forget you all make it happen!
Keep working on the Sixteen Steps and keep up your 1000 hits. You WILL become a team leader if you do!
This Weeks
Hit Counts
Here are the hit counts from June 1st – July 9th for all those who are generating hits.
If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”.
. We would prefer you get hits from safelists sites because we have documented evidence that we are getting sighnups from Safelists.
This is NOT true for TE’s. Although some Text Exchange (TE) sites may get our name out there and may have some use as far as “branding” (The list of TE’s inside TE Profits are better) we would suggest you use your time wisely. SOME TE’s are a complete waste of time and money.
.Please see the GDI TE guidelines about this at
.The key is to advertise particularly in safelist sites, everywhere you possibly can.
All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails as always and the stats will be reset every Saturday afternoon Pacific time.
GDI User Names Listed Below:
(everyone with 0 hits not showing)
7albie – 4,552
lyncoulter – 5
Torab8 – 475
sailorob – 1,008
BearpawGeneral – 6
wairoa1 – 17
monax1 – 1
michealpett – 284
best4u – 138
bluskye – 53
Colake02 – 794
successunlimited2019 – 1
reidburnz72 – 1
jcesero – 7
Onlinewealth (Douglas) – 70
Knightz2 – 1,944
TheGem – 1,615
rodneycolemanonline – 221
angler625 – 4
Onlinewealth (Duncan) – 2
Dakesgdi1 – 9,552
bruce1615 – 2,875
karenjw2020 – 4
Lorenzo nkouedjo – 161
wmyrral – 3
Shane197336 – 4
WinningwithDan – 1
This Week’s
1 week back: 16,829
2 weeks back: 20,136
6 weeks back: 29,989
(highest score ever!!)
(Almost beat highest score!)
21 weeks back: 23,050
Our second highest score:
43 weeks back: 23,221

See Full Team Site Here
Site MENU Here
Want to be a team leader?
Want to see what Step you’re on?
Want to find out more about GDI
Team Elite and how to create six figures online?
Want to go to the Team Store?
Click here for the MENU.

I really care about your success!
“Formal education will earn you a living but self education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn.
cell: 626-379-5692
REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.